June 3, 2009

Post-MBA Chill Time

So, the great part about having an MBA from Wharton is that you always have a long list of couches to crash on in NYC :)

I spent the last few days meeting with friends, cris-crossing all over my new home, and generally catching up. It was a crazy few weeks packing the whole apartment, putting everything into storage, shipping things out west, and saying goodbye over and over again. Oddly, it reminded me of Pre-Term, where we would say hi to new people daily for a month, in reverse.

I am having a great time building my list of activities for the next 7 months. The more I think about it, having a long vacation is just awesome. I am going to be working on my business, alumni panels, travel, friends, reunion planning, non-profit training, and I have a BOX of books that I am going to read.

I have also started a new presence as an online adviser for people applying to MBA. If you would like to ask questions, please email me at:

Last week, the people from HBS came up with a great idea of an MBA Oath. It is a rough and non-binding set of behavioral standards for MBA graduates. There is some debate about its ... usefulness, but I think that it is a vital step to vocalize the 'right way' to be a professional manager. There will always be bad apples, but I think this will serve well as a conversation point in the future.

You can find information here.

Off to a wedding in Seattle this weekend. Tis the season...

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